Festival of Workshops
Festival of Workshops
9:00 am (NY)
(doors open at 8:45 am)
Closing Ceremony
Closing Ceremony
12:00 noon (NY)
Distinguished Linguist Lectures, V-NYI #9
V-NYI #9
Distinguished Linguist Lectures
Pronoun Typology Festival
Pronoun Typology Festival
Workshop focus: changes that languages are undergoing to accommodate non-binary and trans-gender identities - including gender neutral pronouns, singular 'they', new ("neo") pronouns, and other relevant issues, across a wide range of languages
Global Solidarity Lectures, V-NYI #9
V-NYI #9
Global Solidarity Lectures
Linguistics and Cognitive Studies, V-NYI #9
V-NYI #9 Theoretical Linguistics and
Cognitive Studies Seminars
Critical Cultural Studies, V-NYI #9
V-NYI #9 Critical Cultural Studies
seminars and workshops
announcing: V-NYI #9
announcing: V-NYI #9:
Application Deadline: June 17, 2024
NYI Solidarity Fund
We are accepting voluntary donations to the NYI Solidarity Fund. 50% of your donations will support V-NYI's expanded infrastructure and 50% will be contributed in the name of the school to vital relief efforts in Ukraine and across the globe.
The NYI Commons
NYI Commons has spaces for discussion of all NYI directions - check it out for amazing discussions!